I'm very pleased to finally be able to participate in GBBD on this 15th of May, it was an absoltuely glorious day here with temps well into the 20s, it felt much warmer though - even the thermometer thought so!
I planted some species tulips last fall for the first time and am amazed by how very lovely they are. This one is 'Eastern Star', I will buy more next fall and add 'Little Beauty' as well. They close at night, or in the rain and have the most vibrant colours and a lovely shape.

My poor little PJM Compact Rhodo is hanging in there, but I think this is the only bloom for this year. I have tried ammending the soil, providing more sun and giving it lots of TLC, but I can't seem to get it to grow.

The Double Flowering Plum (Prunus triloba 'multiplex') has popped. The blooms remind me of pink popcorn and it is a favorite of bees at the moment.

Not in bloom yet, but getting there. This is my new tulip bed of whites, pinks, 'blues' & purples, I hope it doesn't disappoint. I was hoping it would flower at the same time as the Purpleleaf Sandcherry at the back of the bed, but I think the tulips will be first. We'll see what happens...

I just planted the peony 'Festiva Maxima' in the spot of the unfortunate (ie badly damaged) hydrangea. It will get a ton of sun, but some dappled shade as well. All of the soil fell away during planting, so I lost track of what the depth should be. I find peonies stressful in that regard, I hope I got it right. I so look forward to the white buds/blooms with the little splash of red.

Dicentra spectabilis has hearts! Many around town in full sun appear fully grown, but in my shady beds things take longer to get going.

I like the was these 2 hearts look together. This picture was taken at a different time of day, which may explain why the leaf colour looks so different.
I'm pretty excited to see what 'Barbara Sherwood' (Gentian Speedwell) does next. There appear to be flower heads forming. It has lovely evergreen foliage and seems to like (or at least tolerate) the shade.

Here are some 'Pink Parasol' Narcissus. They are rather short, and not terribly pink, but I am pleased with them regardless. In the foreground is my rescued peony from last year, I think it likes it's new, sunnier location.
I also planted the moss phlox a few days ago. Here it is with the new blue dwarf lilac in the new bed. If by some miracle the bloom times align next year, it will make a nice pairing.