Anna, over at greentapestry wrote a beautiful New Year's post, and included a "New plants wishlist for 2010". I think it's a wonderful idea, and I've decided to do the same. This way, I can refer back here and add as needed. We wouldn't want to forget anyone, would we? ;)
Here's my list to date, only the must haves (supplier in brackets for future reference):
Blue Himalayan Poppy Meconopsis 'sheldonii' (Holes, order seeds too)
Dianthus 'king of blacks'(Holes or local)
Lilac 'wonderblue' (Holes or local)
Hydrangea 'Incrediball' and maybe 'endless summer'. local
Peonies: Bowl of Beauty and Festiva Maxima (both local - confirmed :) ), space permitting.
Cool Splash Dwarf Honeysuckle (Diervilla sessilifolia 'LPDC Podaras') local
Roses: 2-3, with blended colurs (such as yellow/pink, inspired by the beautiful 'Durban' rose)
possibilies inculde: Morden Sunrise, Prairie Sunrise, & Sunrise Sunset local
Oriental Lilies, possibly white with pink centres.
Dahlia 'Mystery Day' or the stunning 'Edinburgh' (I have to make sure they can grow here) local -bought!
Tiny Tim Tomatoes (& 2 other cherry tomatoes) in a pot.
Strawberry plants, for the hedge corner
Possibly Green Onions
Plan for around Mme Lemoine Treeform:
Russian Sage x2
Astillbe (white? 2-4)
Shasta Daisy, Becky? NOT Snowcap x2
Festiva Maxima Peony
More Dwarf Blue Balloon Flowers for the base of the clematis.
Annuals: Blue Star Petunias, Blue/White Lobelia, Yellow Snapdragons, Tigereye Gold Rudbeckia
I also plan to add a few new sculptoral elements, starting with this guy.

And to have more plants and blooms indoors, here is narcissus 'tete a tete':

What's on your wishlist for 2010?