These pictures are for Northern Shade. Here is a crocus in the lawn, I lifted a few patches of sod last fall and tossed in a few handfuls of mixed small bulbs to see what would happen. I love the look of flowers in the grass, and if it goes well I will plant more later this year. So far, so good.

These are some new shoots of Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium caeruleum), I think their shape is absolutely adorable.

Also new this week are the first shrub leaves In The Garden, on the little cotoneaster hedge. I really like the way this photograph turned out. The lilacs & willow look like they aren't too far behind.

Here, Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart (Dicentra spectabilis) is emerging...

...as is D.spectabilis 'alba'. I was quite relieved to see it growing since I had moved no less than 3 or 4 times since planting it last summer. I think I finally found the perfect spot for it.

And here is a mini rose that I recently brought home, I really like the blended pink/apricot colour, they remind me of the lovely 'Morden Sunrise' that I hope to add this year. If I can keep these growing, I will plant them in my Miniature Garden, which you can see here, it is the one around the Weeping Birch.