Sunday, February 28, 2010
Seed Giveaway!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
A Mixed Post.
Aren't they nice? I've been on the lookout for them for 5 years, long before they were 'cool' to have (thank you 2010 Olympics), but couldn't find ones that were just right. I will leave the big one in the back, and probably move the small one to the front.

Then I visited my usual garden centre. Probably prompted by guilt form shopping at a box store. I came home with this Norfolk Pine:

I think spring may be on it's way. The sun felt warmer, and the angle has shifted such that some parts of the garden that have been in the dark all winter are finally seeing the light of day. Here is a little video clip from today with some sounds of spring.
And on a sad note, although I have made it a rule to never post pictures I haven't taken, I will make this one exception. You see, someone who I met online was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer, and has ceased treatment. I did not know she was an avid gardener until recently, lilacs are her favorite. I will be planting a Wonderblue lilac this summer, and will now dedicate it to her. Since it is far too early for blooms in my garden, here is a picture for you to see. I had saved it some time ago for my records, so I can't even give a proper photocredit.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Snow White are the 7 Blooms
The blanket of white snow everywhere has me thinking of white blooms. Here are seven from my garden.
Hydrangea paniculata 'Unique'

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I'm Gobsmacked!! Thank you all so much!
These lovely tulips show a good part of the rainbow all on their own, I can hardly wait for spring!
There were many references to Kermit the Frog's beautiful song, so I'm posting it for you to enjoy:
There were also references made to childrens drawings and books, a family favorite here is 'The Napping House' by Don & Audrey Wood. I love the rainbow, house & garden, and thought you would enjoy it too. Please let me know if I am in terrible violation of copyright law, and I will remove it.
Here is the list of participants once again, please do visit them if you can, they are all unique and wonderful.
A Rainbow of Colour in the Desert Garden by Noelle @ Ramblings from a Desert Garden...
A Rainbow Invitation by miss m @ The Informal Gardener, Rainbow Magic by Kiki @ Awake with Charm and Spirit A Colour Journal in Rainbow Shades by Liisa @ Green Mountain Gardener
Beautiful, like a Rainbow by Catherine @ A Gardener in Progress
Colours of the Rainbow by Ben @ Garden in Georgia
In Search of Sunshine or Rainbows by Lona @ Hocking Hill's Garden
Garden Rainbows by Cherry Lane @ Approaching the Crest Rainbow Colours and a Garden Palette by Carol @ Flower Hill Farm
A Rainbow Invitation by Linda @ Crafy Gardener
Rainbows, Pots of Gold and Moonbeams by Jodi @ Bloomingwriter
A Garden Rainbow by Jean @ Jean's Garden
A Portion of the Rainbow I Have Clutched by Kylee @ Our Little Acre
Rainbow in the Garden by Beth @ Beyond the Garden Gate
A Rainbow in the Garden by Nancy @ Soliloquy
Rainbows by Sweetbay
I Can Sing a Rainbow by Anna @ Greentapestry
Colour of Winter, Promise of Spring by Nell Jean @ Secrets of a Seed Scatterer
A Tribute to Roy G Biv by Amy @ Go Away, I'm Gardening
A Rainbow in February for Muse Day by Jan @ Thanks for Today
A Rainbow Initation by Tammy @ Simple Pleasures
Colours of the Rainbow by Bloomin Rs
A Spring Rainbow by Shady Gardener @ Does Everything Grow Better In My Neighbour's Yard?
Floods and Rainbows by Diana @ Elephant's Eye
Garden Rainbow by Liz @ Las Frutas de Paraiso
Paging Dr. Biv, Dr. Roy G. Biv by Kyna @ Crystal Coast Gardener
Valentine Red by Nicole @ A Carribean Garden
I've made a badge for you, feel free to copy and use it in your sidebar if you so desire, but there is absolutely no pressure to do so.