I am a big fan of Blue Star Petunias, I plant them every year with some white & blue lobeila. I find them very cheerful, and they bloom beautifully, even with only receiving a few hours of morning sun.
Also in my east facing shaded beds are a few yellow snapdragons, I'm surprised at how well they're doing, and will be sure to add more next year. This bed has been a bit of a challenge, and is a work in progress. It has daffodils in the spring, and in previous years has been left mulched, but this year I added a few perennials and annuals to liven it up.
Here is another new addition, Delphinium grandiflorum 'blue elf'. I love the shape of the flowers, they remind me of witches hats. The colour is much nicer in real life.
This is a recent picture of my H.F. Young clematis. I'm so pleased with it, since i wasn't expecting to see any blooms until next year, and there are at least a dozen buds forming. I've had to add on to my 4 ft trellis.
The base of the trellis is planted with these lovely 2 tone purple & white osteospermums. They have grown incredibly well, I'm hoping they will somehow self seed and come back next year.
They remind me of the simple, and always pleasing shape of a shasta daisy.

And finally, the belle of the ball, Kyushu hydrangea.