Here is a garden tour, in order of appearance.
Cool Flame Narcissus, my absolute favorite, gorgeous salmon coloured trumpets and a LARGE bloom.

I received 3 free Astillbes last year, they are coming up beautifully. I'm excited to see what colour they are.

Pink Landscape Tulips are coming up nicely, I interspersed them into a long perennial bed.

The Double Flowering Plum is quite sparse, but sill has some pretty pink blooms.

By contrast PJM Compact Rhodo has fully bloomed for the first time ever (and this is our 9th summer here).

The little blue blooms of Jack Frost Brunnera are a welcome addition.

'Bastogne' Red Tulips have not disappointed.

Dutch Master Narcissus in the shade, and they still bloom quite well.

Another Narcissus, this time Pink Parasol. The ruffled trumpets are quite fancy.

Grape Muscari are a terrific colour.

This creeping Moss Phlox has taken quite well. Notice the healthy dandelion foliage in the mix...

I generally keep a large cedar in this Blue Pot, but they are always difficult to dispose of. This time I decided to use the pot for some Gladiolus bulbs that were gifted to me, and I over planted them with yellow snap dragons and a few Toto Gold Rudbeckia.

By contrast PJM Compact Rhodo has fully bloomed for the first time ever (and this is our 9th summer here).

The little blue blooms of Jack Frost Brunnera are a welcome addition.

'Bastogne' Red Tulips have not disappointed.

My raised veggie pots are planted exactly as they were last year, romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes and strawberries. I somehow ended up with extra tomato plants, and had to head back to the store for more pots..

Dutch Master Narcissus in the shade, and they still bloom quite well.

Another Narcissus, this time Pink Parasol. The ruffled trumpets are quite fancy.

Grape Muscari are a terrific colour.

This creeping Moss Phlox has taken quite well. Notice the healthy dandelion foliage in the mix...

I generally keep a large cedar in this Blue Pot, but they are always difficult to dispose of. This time I decided to use the pot for some Gladiolus bulbs that were gifted to me, and I over planted them with yellow snap dragons and a few Toto Gold Rudbeckia.