Ok, bad pun. But it was that or 'Tale of Two Asters', which was considerably worse. Here's the situation, one Aster is blooming, the other, just 2 feet away but receiving a little less sun is not...
A few buds that look like they're thinking about opening are not the beautiful pale blue/lilac colour they were last year, but are quite similar to the Aster above. Seems very odd to me.I like the way this false sunflower is peeking through the lattice fence.
The variegated obedient plant is finally blooming, the colour is beautiful. I was expecting hot pink, but this is much nicer.
Autumn Joy & My Monet are lovely fall companions.
The mountain garlic is a little past it's prime, but still a great looking little plant. I tried to get some more this year but was unsuccessful.
I bought this mini rose at a grocery store last spring, and planted it after the ground thawed. This is the first bloom, I think it's beautiful. No idea if it will overwinter, but I hope it does!
Kyushu Hydrangea is looking quite well into fall. I suspect the flowers may have been a little more white, and perhaps a few more sterile florets would have opened if there had been a little more warmth this summer.
H.F.Young Clematis is opening the last flower of the season. Unfortunately, it was only the 2nd of 2 blooms. I've heard they can take 3 years to get going, I hope for a more impressive display at some point...
Perennial Sage is still adding colour, I don't normally like flower spikes all that much, but the long lasting colour is very much appreciated.
Sunrise Sunset Rose is still blooming madly, I hope the plant has the sense to shut down before winter. I have stopped deadheading to allow the formation of rosehips and dormancy.
The last blooms of Morden Sunrise, maybe this rose is a little more clever when it comes to seasons?
Shasta Becky is still looking great, snowcap has been done for some time, so it's nice to still have Daisies around.
And the final bloom of the beautiul Rozanne

Sorry I haven't posted for a month, it just feels like nothing is going on with the garden. I took the camera outside today to see what I could find and was pleasantly surprised.
I have planted some white crocuses and some Ice Follies daffs, I plan to get the tulips in the ground this weekend.
I hope you are all having an enjoyable fall season.