Saturday, November 27, 2010

I spoke too soon.

It turns out the title of my last blog entry was erroneous. The very next day I was heading up the front walkway, and this brand new snowdrop anemone was beginning to open. So delicate and beautiful, and a happy late fall surprise.

As for the story of my Aster, the blooms did get a chance to open. I wish I had a better picture, but this gives you an idea. Blue/Purple blooms with yellow centres, and a completely covered ball about 2 1/2 feet high & wide. I'm really happy with both asters, and would very highly recommend them for fall blooms.

A few clouds of yellow snapdragons were still brightening up some dark spaces.

And I found another Peachleaf Bellflower hugging the clematis trellis.

The Cotoneaster Hedge put on a vibrant display this year. I have mixed feelings about the hedge, and find it rather boring most of the time, but it does have the first buds opening in the spring, and the last fall colour, both of which I appreciate very much.

Autumn Joy Sedum bloomed prolifically this year (was badly trampled last summer). Someone mentioned thinking of pink broccoli when they see it, and now, I do too.

The little Burning Bush that I was concerned about has also had a chance to change, not quite the vibrant red I had hoped for (and that it was a few years ago), but still very attractive.

And a gratuitous gargoyle picture for Joy. Alastair is feeling rather exposed now that the Flowering Plum has lost most of her leaves.

Since these pictures were taken we have had a record setting amount of snow and cold temperatures. Everything is well buried under a deep blanket of snow and it really does signal The End of this year's growing season.

I am sorry I haven't been keeping up with your blogs, having come down with a case of the gardening blahs. Fortunately, I have figured out what has caused it. For the first time since moving to this house (2002) I have no new garden plans for next year. No beds that I can dig out and no MUST HAVES to put on a wishlist. I am very happy with all of our efforts digging, moving, shaping, planting...I'm sure there will be gaps to fill here and there, but I want to let things mature over the next few years. It's a very strange feeling.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Last Blooms of the Season

Not a whole lot going on In The Garden anymore, and since these pictures were taken earlier in the week we've had a hard frost and many plants have turned brown and are completely done. Annuals have been removed, bulbs are in, and leaves have been raked.

Here we have the non blooming Aster, I'm so glad it's buds had a chance to open. It is quite sheltered and receives good morning sun so I think it will continue to bloom for a little while longer. I really like the shade of blue/purple. I saw it in a greenhouse last fall and planted it outside, I wasn't sure if it would be ok, but it seems happy.

This Colchium 'Waterlily' was a very nice suprise. I was given the bulb in late spring 2009, it had started to flower in the box. I planted it, and a large brown (soft) bulb emerged after spring thaw. I figured it had been heaved out of the ground, and threw it out. This fall, this lovely bloom emerged. Maybe there had been bulblets buried?

Cosmos was very long lasting, and provided happy bright flowers for a very long time, here are a few white...

..and a few pink.

The Purpleleaf Sandcherry has good colour this year, unfortunately it doesn't receive much sun, but seems to do reasonably well.

Coreopsis verticella 'Zagreb' had a late flush of blooms.

David's Lavender was planted this year, and finally opened it's lovely flowers.

The white David didn't fare as well, only one bloom ever opened. I had relocated this plant numerous times last year, hopefully next year will be better...

The last of the poppies, this one, a deep red.

Stella D'Oro has decided to bloom again. I was so surprised to see this lovely yellow flower just a few days ago. Sir Mulch A Lot said it reminds him of a daffodil. This strikes me as interesting since daffs will be one of the next things to bloom (albeit 7 months from now!).

The hydrangeas have gone brown with the cold nights, they are still very decorative though, I hope they stay intact for a long time to come.

And here's my plant mystery of the week. The Dwarf Burning Bush has not changed AT ALL. Most other shrubs have turned colour, and lost most of their leaves, but this little guy is as green as ever. I wonder what will happen next...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Ok, bad pun. But it was that or 'Tale of Two Asters', which was considerably worse. Here's the situation, one Aster is blooming, the other, just 2 feet away but receiving a little less sun is not...

A few buds that look like they're thinking about opening are not the beautiful pale blue/lilac colour they were last year, but are quite similar to the Aster above. Seems very odd to me.

I like the way this false sunflower is peeking through the lattice fence.

The variegated obedient plant is finally blooming, the colour is beautiful. I was expecting hot pink, but this is much nicer.

Autumn Joy & My Monet are lovely fall companions.

The mountain garlic is a little past it's prime, but still a great looking little plant. I tried to get some more this year but was unsuccessful.

I bought this mini rose at a grocery store last spring, and planted it after the ground thawed. This is the first bloom, I think it's beautiful. No idea if it will overwinter, but I hope it does!

Kyushu Hydrangea is looking quite well into fall. I suspect the flowers may have been a little more white, and perhaps a few more sterile florets would have opened if there had been a little more warmth this summer.

H.F.Young Clematis is opening the last flower of the season. Unfortunately, it was only the 2nd of 2 blooms. I've heard they can take 3 years to get going, I hope for a more impressive display at some point...

Perennial Sage is still adding colour, I don't normally like flower spikes all that much, but the long lasting colour is very much appreciated.

Sunrise Sunset Rose is still blooming madly, I hope the plant has the sense to shut down before winter. I have stopped deadheading to allow the formation of rosehips and dormancy.

The last blooms of Morden Sunrise, maybe this rose is a little more clever when it comes to seasons?

Shasta Becky is still looking great, snowcap has been done for some time, so it's nice to still have Daisies around.

And the final bloom of the beautiul Rozanne

Sorry I haven't posted for a month, it just feels like nothing is going on with the garden. I took the camera outside today to see what I could find and was pleasantly surprised.
I have planted some white crocuses and some Ice Follies daffs, I plan to get the tulips in the ground this weekend.
I hope you are all having an enjoyable fall season.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Uniquely Pink!

Phew. Last years early frost/snow prevented my Unique Hydrangea from blushing pink, but not this time. The change is almost imperceptible, but every day the hue darkens slightly.

The Peachleaf Bellflower is outperforming itself. I deadheaded some, but not others, and has rebloomed up the whole length of the stalk. Amazing. It is said to be invasive, I don't think I would mind much, but I suppose time will tell.

Midnight Wine Weigela is finally producing rich, dark purple foliage. Sadly, it is the end of the growing season. I hope the winter setback isn't as severe this year.

Little Lamb Hydrangea is also turning pink, but with a green background rather than white. I'm so glad I finally found a spot for one of these lovelies.

The first Fall Aster bloom opened today. Some have not yet set buds, I really hope to have lots of new blooms soon. There hasn't been anything new for weeks, so it is nice to have something to look forward to.

Have a look at my Zinnia pot. Cherry Profusion has a gone as white as a ghost suddenly, but a new seedling (started as a class project last year, I put it in the same pot) is in bloom. Interesting contrast in colour.

Happy September Everyone, hard to believe it's already here.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Rejuvenating an Old Garden

I have an exciting new project on the go, I have been asked to help rejuvenate an old garden. At one time, the garden must have been glorious, but has been somewhat left to it's own devices and could use some care & attention.

There are loads of bellflowers, globe thistles, phlox, goldenrod, snowdrop anemones, lamb's ears, irises, clematis, rose bushes and many other shrubs & trees (including spirea, potentilla, ninebark, cranberries and cherry tree & 2 large spruces).

View of the backyard. The area to the right, at the back seems to have been 'rounded up'. It will be seeded to grass with an area left for vegetables and some flowerbeds will be added for interest. The area with the 2 trees on the left will likely be mulched with a rock edge to the lawn. I think a few shade containers against the shed and possible a hammock under the trees would make for a nice shady place to relax.

Yellow species clematis growing rampantly on an arbour.

A flowerbed in the backyard, full of bells, globe thistles & phlox.

A cherry tree that is so overgrown and heavy with fruit it has taken a weeping form. Some pruning is needed, although I'm not sure what to recommend. The fruit is quite tasty! :)

A vigorous vine is taking over an old deciduous tree. I'm not sure what kind of vine it is, although Honeysuckle keeps springing to mind. Hopefully it isn't on the noxious weeds list, since it is very interesting and attractive.

This lovely shrub is in the front yard, it looks like a diable ninebark to me, but I'm not 100% sure. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my Lois Hole books with me (note to self, don't do this again!)

The front corner of the house. To me, it just needs some thinning but I like the way it looks.

There is an old rose garden along one side of the house. The wonderful Morden Sunrise still looks beautiful.

2 other roses are in a worse state, but still have lots of new growth and must have bloomed well since they are covered in rosehips. I suspect a hard rejuvenation pruning is needed, although I'm not sure what the best timing is.

There are many Lambs Ears in the beds, and babies on the lawn. I hadn't seen seedlings like this before. Probably not the best place for them, but still kind of cute.

Here is a wildflower mix in a pot.

I brought over a bunch of heliopsis seedlings, as well as some shasta daisies, platycodon, stella d'oro daylilies, Campanula carpatica, ornamental garlic, dwarf irises, silver brocade artemesia and an Asessippi lilac. Some bulbs will be added this fall, although I suspect there may be some already there.

Since this house is being rented, the budget is limited, but I think (hope!) that with a little work it will be beautiful and regain some of it's former glory. Any advice or comments would be very much appreciated.