Just a few pictures taken from inside, looking out.
The Bad.
The Double Flowering Plum didn't have a chance to change this year. I hope for a mild winter so it can bloom well next spring.
I would like to add a white one, and still might next year. I think this variety has a more compact habit, and doesn't spread as readily as the native one.
Of course, since I'll be digging a new hole anyways (once things thaw a little), why not add a few more tulips at the same time? I think these Flaming Spring Green ones will be stunning.
I was pleasantly surprised by the fall colour of my H.F. Young Clematis, I wasn't expecting this interesting dark purple foliage, but it's lovely, especially against the pale yellow background of the shed.
I've been crazy about my new Kyushu Hydrangea since it was purchased this summer. I like the way it looks now too, the brown colour reminds me of an oak tree.
I couldn't resist these cut tulips while out shopping for a turkey early this morning.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.
Correction. The dwarf cranesbill is also starting to turn for fall. I think it's beautiful.